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Planning Board Minutes 03/06/2008
March 6, 2008

Members Present:  Chairman Brad Towle, Tom Jameson, Joanna McIntosh, Fred Ruoff, Stan Brehm, Richard Arell, Richard Moore (alt), Chris Weir (alt), David Kenneally (alt) and Secretary Jamie Pike.

Chairman Towle called the meeting to order at 6:34pm.

The minutes of February 7, 2008 were reviewed and corrected as follows:

Page 4 Paragraph 8 – It was noted that the although……
Page 7 Paragraph 3 – …noise is detrimental not only to physical health……..
Page 7 Paragraph 6 – …does not feel the proposed screenage will not be sufficient……
Page 9 Paragraph 1 - ….would need to complete to the site review process…..
Page 9 Paragraph 3 – ….stated that there a are forthcoming changes to the Shoreline Protection Act that                                 will require of a setback….
Page 9 Paragraph 6 – Mr. Weir stated that he believes……
Page 10 Paragraph 1 – Mr. DeBold stated that he does not agrees with Mr. Weir

Being no further corrections, a motion was made to approve the minutes as corrected by Ms. McIntosh and seconded by Mr. Ruoff.  Motion passes by unanimous vote.

The Board reviewed the letter sent to the Zoning Board of Adjustments and the subsequent response (both attached), concerning a potential Obnoxious Use.  It was the consensus of the Board following this response that it shall be the potential aggrieved party to file with the ZBA concerning a potential Obnoxious Use.

The Board reviewed a letter submitted by Chuck Breton and Mark Blasko in relation to the pending Site Plan Review.  It was noted that this letter contains information regarding the use of 2-stroke engines versus the proposed 4-stroke engines.  This letter and any information contained therein shall be forwarded to CLD Engineering for continued review.

The Board reviewed those comments received from CLD Engineering regarding the pending Site Plan Review of Chucksters, LLC.

Chairman Towle opened the Public Hearing session of the meeting at 7:00pm.
Chairman Towle introduced the Members of the Board to the public in attendance.

PUBLIC HEARING: Primax Properties, LLC
        Site Review-
        Retail Sales
        Map 3 Lot 43-1
        Dover Road

The applicant is currently awaiting a hearing with the ZBA to be held on March 26th and has requested a continuation of the hearing to April 3rd.

Being no further discussion the Public Hearing shall be continued to a meeting of the Planning Board on April 3, 2008 at 7:00pm at the Grange Hall.

DESIGN REVIEW:  Chuckster’s, LLC
        Site Review-
        Go-Kart Track
        Map 2 Lot 81
        Bailey Road

Chuck Breton and Mark Blasko of Chuckster’s LLC and Anthony Costello of AC Engineering were present to speak on the merits of the application.

Mr. Blasko reviewed the meeting of February 7th.  It was noted that the comments from CLD (copy on file) were not received until this evening.  Noted highlights included the comment that the proposed 26 additional parking spaces seemed reasonable.  There was discussion regarding methods of parking space delineation and the maximizing of available parking with the use of an attendant.  Mark proposed the use of post and rope along with curb stops to delineate the parking.

The Board reviewed comments of primary concern received from CLD with those present.

Comment 4a – Loading Area – Mr. Blasko stated that the only delivery truck for the property was Blake’s Ice-cream and that such deliveries were scheduled either during non-business hours or off-peak times during business hours.

Comment 4b – Parking – It was requested of Mr. Blasko to provide more detailed updated information concerning site traffic now that the site has been open for a whole season.  It was also of comment that Chucksters has met with the Board of Selectmen regarding the acquisition of the abandoned Right-Of-Way for additional parking.

Comment 6a – Spill Plan – Mr. Costello informed the Board that they are proposing the use of a _ septic tank as a secondary containment system for the fuel storage located inside the maintenance building.

The attending abutters and general public voiced their concerns of their perceived inadequacy of the existing and proposed parking.  Those persons were directed by Mr. Weir to forward current zoning complaints to the Board of Selectmen and to address the presumed Obnoxious Use to the ZBA.
The applicants were directed by the Board to address the comments of CLD directly and to provide copies of any submissions to the Planning Office.

Being no further discussion the Design Review shall be continued to a meeting of the Planning Board on April 3, 2008 at 7:00pm at the Grange Hall.

        Site Review
        Snack Bar and RV Rentals
        Map 4 Lot 166
        Dover Road

Karen and Bill Towle were present to speak on the merits of the proposal.

Mr. Towle presented the Board with a detail of the proposed serving window and additional signage to be added to the existing building.  It was noted that due to the excess road frontage the site would be allowed an additional 16 square feet of signage, providing for a total allowable site signage of 80 sq/ft.

Mr. Towle explained to the Board that he intends to install a retractable awning over the serving window, and awnings over the remaining existing windows to improve the aesthetic appeal of the building.  Chemical toilets will be placed on the property for customer use in addition to the facilities located inside the building.  Mr. Towle has also provided for an additional 20 gravel parking spaces.  The parking of RV’s for advertising their rental,would be limited to 5 with the remaining bulk storage of campers to be at Lugg Plaza.

The Towles were directed to contact DES concerning septic standards for a take-out business and to add all proposed additions and modifications to the plan-set including the dimensions of all signage located on the site. The Towles were also directed to contact NHDOT concerning the required setback from Route 4.

Mr. Brehm suggested the moving of the serving window to the Westerly side of the building.  Mr. Brehm also brought forward concern that the rental of RV’s does not fit within the restrictions of the Commercial Village District zoning.

Being no further discussion the Design Review shall be continued to a meeting of the Planning Board on April 3, 2008 at 7:00pm at the Grange Hall.

PUBLIC HEARING: J. Brandon Giuda
        Home Occupation
        Law Office
        Map 10 Lot 9
        Pleasant Street

Katrina Giuda was present to speak on the merits of the proposal.

The Board reviewed the application previously submitted by Mr. Giuda.

Being no abutters present and no discussion from the Board, a motion was made to approve the Home Occupation by Mr. Jameson and seconded by Mr. Ruoff.  Motion passes by unanimous vote.

DISCUSSION:     Patricia Humphrey
        Map 1 Lot 42
        Garvins Hill Road

Mr. Jeff Greene was present to speak on the merits of the proposal.

Mr. Greene presented the Board with a sketch of the proposed subdivision.  It is planned to subdivide 30-40 acres from the current 155+ acre parcel.  The proposed parcel will have 1000 feet of frontage on Garvins Hill Road.  Mr. Greene is also proposing a driveway easement across the remaining land of Ms. Humphrey to access the new parcel.  Mr. Greene asked the Board if it was necessary to delineate the wetlands and provide the topography for the entire 155 acre parcel.  It was explained to Mr. Greene that currently the Planning Board does not have a mechanism for waiving any of the Subdivision Regulations, but are willing to hold a Public Hearing at the next meeting to make the appropriate changes to the Subdivision Regulations.

Being no further discussion, Mr. Greene was directed to submit an Application for Subdivision to the office by March 14th to be included on the April 3, 2008 agenda.

The Board will hold a work session on Monday, March 17th at 6:30pm to revise the Subdivision Regulations in preparation for a Public Hearing on April 3rd.

Being no further discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Brehm and seconded by Ms. McIntosh to adjourn the meeting at 9:50pm.  Motion passes by unanimous vote.

Respectfully submitted,

Jamie A Pike
Jamie A Pike, Secretary

Thomas Jameson
Thomas Jameson, Chairman        Approved as corrected.